Lockers / Loitering / Lost and Found
LockersLockers will be assigned to5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders. They are the property of the school and remain under the control of school authorities. Combination locks must be purchased from the school office. A master key will be retained in the school office. Unauthorized locks will be removed. Lockers must be locked at all times. The school can take no responsibility for articles stolen from lockers. There may be periodic locker checks with or without notice. As a result, students should not expect privacy regarding items placed in the locker. No items such as pictures, posters, etc. will be permitted to be placed in a locker unless approved by the school administration.
Students should leave the school building and grounds promptly after classes and activities are concluded. They may not re-enter the school once they have been dismissed unless they have faculty or administrative permission. Non-students are not permitted at any time unless they have registered in the office as an official visitor.
Lost and Found
All clothing found in the school, regardless of its value, is placed in lost and found. Students may claim lost items after proper identification. All unclaimed lost and found items are disposed of at the end of the school year. Students’ articles should be labeled with their names so they can be returned to them immediately.