Miss Lily Katra is in Grade 5 at Southtowns Catholic School and over the summer, she attended Vacation Bible School at St John Paul II Parish. Each day they watched a short video on how their faith helped them accomplish new things. One video was about 3 boys and how they made recess fun for everyone with the creation of the Buddy Bench. If a child feels left out at recess, they just need to sit on the bench and someone will come over and ask them to play. Lily was so inspired that she wrote a letter to Ace Hardware in Derby and asked if they could donate a bench. They quickly replied that they would love to be part of her project. With help from her parents, Lily painted the bench and on Friday, September 29, she explained the Buddy Bench to the whole school. The SCS Buddy Bench will sit in the school playground and hopefully no one will fell left out at recess.