Last week, our 2nd and 3rd-grade classes took a field trip to the Aquarium of Niagara. The first stop was the penguin exhibit followed by the seal lion show. The kids loved the tricks and jumps the seals did. A big hit was the petting tank where the kids could pet a Dalmatian shark and horseshoe crabs. Then we headed outside to see the sea lion show, which was the most popular part of the trip. The kiddos were so impressed with the large sea animals. They asked a ton of great questions.
A huge thank you to Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. LoVallo, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Jernigan for chaperoning. Thank you to Miss Hull and Miss Wiktor for organizing such a fun trip!
A huge thank you to Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. LoVallo, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Jernigan for chaperoning. Thank you to Miss Hull and Miss Wiktor for organizing such a fun trip!