Conduct & Discipline
Discipline is based on mutual respect, kindness, firmness and consistency. The school depends on the partners for support for an effective and positive discipline program.
Positive discipline aids in the development of students who respect themselves, classmates, teachers, staff and volunteers. Discipline is an essential aspect of Christian development and not a punishment. Its purpose is:
Positive discipline aids in the development of students who respect themselves, classmates, teachers, staff and volunteers. Discipline is an essential aspect of Christian development and not a punishment. Its purpose is:
- To guide students toward an appreciation of the importance of developing responsibility and self-control.
- To foster respect for duly constituted authority.
- To provide a classroom atmosphere that lends itself to optimum teaching and learning.
- To help build a sense of Christian Community.
Conduct Referral
Parents will be notified for infractions of school policy or rules fo conduct. If continued infractions occur, parents will be requested to conference with the teacher and Principal.
Disciplinary Measures & Sanctions
The following are disciplinary measures:
- Conference with the student
- Detention is imposed at the referral of a teacher / principal
- Conference with parents and student
- Denial of privileges and removal from positions of responsibility; restitution for damage to school or personal property;
- Suspension (in-school or out-of-school)
- Expulsion
Discipline Review
Parent may seek discussion and consideration in the following manner.
- Schedule an appointment with the teacher/administration for a calm and candid discussion of the facts, issues and principles involved;
- If a parent requires further review, the Principal will meet with them to resolve the issue. If warranted, the pastor will be invited to the conference.
- It should be noted that in serious and continued disciplinary infractions, the Principal will exercise the right to expel a student with cause.
Serious Disciplinary Infractions
1. Smoking
2. Alcohol or drugs
3. Overt, continued misbehavior
4. Cheating, including plagiarism
5. Vandalism
2. Alcohol or drugs
3. Overt, continued misbehavior
4. Cheating, including plagiarism
5. Vandalism
Zero Tolerance Policy
Southtowns Catholic School, will not tolerate or ignore any acts of violence, harassment or bullying against the faculty, staff or students, coaches and volunteers in or out of school. This includes unacceptable physical, written or verbal acts of harrassment, including social networking and the internet.